Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Theology of Five Iron Frenzy

Five Iron Frenzy has been a instrumental player in the drama of my Christian growth. I have been listening to a lot of FIF recently, and have been inspired to write a theology of Five Iron. To be honest, I have no idea how I will even approach this task, but nonetheless I am pretty excited to see how it develops. So keep an eye out for this new blog series. If are interested in listening along I am going to listen through and reflect on the albums in chronological order beginning with Upbeats and Beatdowns. (My goal is to examine at least one CD a week, so at least try to check back weekly.) Hopefully, after this chronological examination and reflection I will be able to synthesize the history and theology of FIF into a concise theological whole.

P.S.  Christian ska may be dead but its voice still echoes in the heads and hearts of a select group of sisters and brothers